Arkansas is a beautiful place, however, they have some awful critters here! The first week we were here we were eaten alive by numerous chiggers! Man, that'll sure make you buy stock in Off! Also, our travels on the back roads have enabled us to see man other critters you don't see around the San Antonio area. We have seen MANY armadillos (both alive and dead) on the roads. We have also seen lots of skunks and lizards and the occasional imparticular who died a horrendous death when he accidentally jumped in from of Big Daddy's truck the other night..."hop...hop...hop...splat!" We all felt so bad!
The neatest thing seen was viewed by Big Daddy while on a customer delivery on Saturday. He saw a black bear some dogs had treed. He couldn't believe it. Big Daddy and an employee saw the bear, stopped to watch it and alerted the homeowner. The home owner admitted he'd seen tracks in the past but didn't know there were still bears around here! Isn't that cool!?!?
Well, I'm still searching for a job. Although, I have *lots* to keep up with and finish up at the house. Pray the right job comes along! Also, it looks like our trip to Playa will not happen this year. We cannot find our passports from the move and we probably need to use the money for the trip fixing up the house.
On a different note, weight loss is still going well. Not quite as fast as before, but good, nonetheless! I don't have any dresses that fit right now so I'm trying to make due with one skirt and about 4 different blouses.
Also, in case you didn't know, we still don't have email. Hopefully it will happen one day. I'm getting tired of going somewhere and waiting on the community computer for email and blogging. Ok, that's enough bellyaching for one day...gotta go pick up some kids that had a blast at Magic Springs (think 6 Flags)today! Y'all take care!
~Boss Lady
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Goodbye, Texas...Hello, Arkansas
Well, we've finally made the move. I have been an Arkansan for about a week. However, I'll always be a Texan! Things are going well here. I have been very busy unpacking boxes that seem to multiply overnight...kind of like the rabbits!
We bought the house we looked at the first time we were in the Hot Springs area. It is on 3 acres and has a pond that is stocked with catfish! I have ventured down to the pond for a little fishing action...and also to escape the mounds of boxes in the house. We have caught a few fish and lost many others...there must be some huge ones in that pond! They always seem to break the lines on the poles! The only bad thing about the house is that we do not have internet access. I am currently only able to access the internet if we go into town and borrow the WIFI connection at San Francisco Bread Company (SFBC. Thank goodness there are WIFI hot spots there!
As for my surgery updates, I am 3 months out today. Here is the break down on my weight loss:
Since I began the process in July/August 2006 (initial consultation) I have lost 92 pounds! Isn't that amazing? What is even more amazing is the transformation from the last 3 months. In the past 3 months, I have lost a total of 77 pounds! I now wear a size 16 pant and an XL t-shirt. I can't believe how much better I feel! I can hike back and forth to from the pond to the house without even huffing and puffing. I just need to remember to put on the Off before I leave the house as there are lots of chiggers trying to hitch a ride on this new bod!
At my last visit with the hematologist I was advised that I would probably be able to reduce the amount on iron infusions I had been receiving as my iron stores were now within normal limits. This is good because I am going to need to find a new hematologist in this area. Also, my surgeon was impressed with the amount of weight I have lost. He recommended I return to see him in late September for a follow up.
The rain has let up outside and the kids are a little stir crazy from being at SFBC for 4 hrs. Guess I need to take them back to the ranch! I'll try to update things around here a little more often...hopefully we'll get internet soon!
See y'all later!
Boss Lady
We bought the house we looked at the first time we were in the Hot Springs area. It is on 3 acres and has a pond that is stocked with catfish! I have ventured down to the pond for a little fishing action...and also to escape the mounds of boxes in the house. We have caught a few fish and lost many others...there must be some huge ones in that pond! They always seem to break the lines on the poles! The only bad thing about the house is that we do not have internet access. I am currently only able to access the internet if we go into town and borrow the WIFI connection at San Francisco Bread Company (SFBC. Thank goodness there are WIFI hot spots there!
As for my surgery updates, I am 3 months out today. Here is the break down on my weight loss:
Since I began the process in July/August 2006 (initial consultation) I have lost 92 pounds! Isn't that amazing? What is even more amazing is the transformation from the last 3 months. In the past 3 months, I have lost a total of 77 pounds! I now wear a size 16 pant and an XL t-shirt. I can't believe how much better I feel! I can hike back and forth to from the pond to the house without even huffing and puffing. I just need to remember to put on the Off before I leave the house as there are lots of chiggers trying to hitch a ride on this new bod!
At my last visit with the hematologist I was advised that I would probably be able to reduce the amount on iron infusions I had been receiving as my iron stores were now within normal limits. This is good because I am going to need to find a new hematologist in this area. Also, my surgeon was impressed with the amount of weight I have lost. He recommended I return to see him in late September for a follow up.
The rain has let up outside and the kids are a little stir crazy from being at SFBC for 4 hrs. Guess I need to take them back to the ranch! I'll try to update things around here a little more often...hopefully we'll get internet soon!
See y'all later!
Boss Lady
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Almost two months out...

Well, I can't believe it has been almost two months since I had my surgery. We've had a lot of changes around here...not just in weight loss. I have lost more than 55 pounds since my surgery and more than 70 pounds since last August. Isn't that unbelievable? With this weight loss I have made some observations of things that I'm proud of/accomplishments since my surgery:
1. I am down 4 pants sizes.
2. I am down 1-2 sizes in shirts.
3. I can ride on an airplane without a seatbelt extender...and also sit in the middle seat if I need to.
4. People are starting to not instantly recognize me.
5. The canvas belt I wore last summer no longer fits.
6. My closet has more room for new clothes!
7. I feel better about myself.
8. The bathing suit I bought that was 4 sizes too small now fits me!
9. I exercise almost every day.
10. Every pound I lose helps me live a little longer!
Thanks for all of the support y'all have given me! Still on the journey...looking for new horizons!
~Boss Lady
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Eating, Measuring and Exercise Physiology
A couple of weeks have passed since my last post. I am finally recovering from the shock of the move and beginning to get into action mode. Big Daddy and his dad left on Thursday to move the truck and the boat up to Hot Springs. Bad news is they only made it as far as Temple, Tx and the truck broke down. Worse news is that the engine will need to be replaced. After an overnight stay, he rented a car and left the truck and boat behind. He'll go back on Wednesday making a round-trip drive to pick up the truck and boat. I know he'll be exhausted. Keep him in your prayers.
So, what's up with me, you ask? Well, it's not the weight! I'm down 42 pounds since my surgery! I saw the surgeon on Thursday for a one month (5 week) follow-up. He said my progress was phenomenal! He also said it looks like I'm on track to lose around 100 pounds by my 6 month anniversary date. Wow! I can't believe it! The weight loss will slow down after the 6 month mark. From what I've heard, I really need to make the most of the early stages and lose as much weight as I can before I hit the 6th month. Also at my appointment on Thursday I asked that the nurse measure me again. I was surprised at the measurements! I have lost SO much! It is amazing. When I look in the mirror the only place that I see the actual loss is in my face. I know I'm losing it, I just haven't gotten the old Christy out of the mirror yet. Not really comfortable revealing the measurements yet. Maybe I'll get some more courage and post them in a few days.
Eating habits are changing around here. I have found that there are different kinds of protein I can eat. I've really been enjoying seafood. For the most part it is easy to eat. I have also found that I need to chew better and eat slower. In the past few weeks I have on more than one occasion eaten too fast or not chewed good enough. Let me tell you, it hurts! Also by eating slower I feel satisfied without over-eating. Additionally, we aren't eating out as much. Not much of the fast foods sound very good, either. One thing I have found that I can get when we eat out is a grilled chicken breast from Chik-Fil-A. Did you know that if you order just the breast of chicken without the bun and stuff that it's only $2.80 vs. the $3.25 price for the sandwich? I kind of like that little "perk." Bad thing is that if you want to purchase a smaller portion (kid's meal) at most restaurants, all they offer are things I don't need to eat: grilled cheese, mac & cheese, pizza, etc. Guess I'll have to stick to grilled chicken and fish in doggie bags...but I'm not complaining!
Yesterday I saw the exercise physiologist. I had the "pleasure" of going through a test to measure my VO2 levels. I think what the test does is determines at what point my body stops burning fat and begins to burn muscle. Primarily it is designed to tell me what my optimal fat burning and fit zones are. I learned that the heart rate level I was working out at was helping me as far as fitness was concerned but not necessarily helping me burn more fat. ~Gonna have to dial it back a bit. She also set up a program to help me go back and forth between the fit and fat burning zones so I get the best of both worlds during my workout. I do have to tell you, as I neared the end of the test I thought I was going to fall off of the treadmill. She had it jacked up in the air and I was walking very fast...not quite a jog...and all I could think of was if I miss a step it's all going to be over and I'll slide down the treadmill embarrassing myself forever! Thankfully, I think the exercise physiologist was thinking the same thing and she slowed me down to end the test.
Other good news is that I did a little shopping last weekend. I've gone down from a size 26/28 pants to a size 20! Yee-Haw! I've also been busy cleaning my closets and chest of drawers out again. I have another large black trash bag full of clothes to give away. I need to take pictures of myself in my original clothes so I can see the change.
I've got a sick kiddo in the house today. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow. I'm dying to get out in the sun and enjoy the pool this weekend! Hope y'all are having a great weekend.
So, what's up with me, you ask? Well, it's not the weight! I'm down 42 pounds since my surgery! I saw the surgeon on Thursday for a one month (5 week) follow-up. He said my progress was phenomenal! He also said it looks like I'm on track to lose around 100 pounds by my 6 month anniversary date. Wow! I can't believe it! The weight loss will slow down after the 6 month mark. From what I've heard, I really need to make the most of the early stages and lose as much weight as I can before I hit the 6th month. Also at my appointment on Thursday I asked that the nurse measure me again. I was surprised at the measurements! I have lost SO much! It is amazing. When I look in the mirror the only place that I see the actual loss is in my face. I know I'm losing it, I just haven't gotten the old Christy out of the mirror yet. Not really comfortable revealing the measurements yet. Maybe I'll get some more courage and post them in a few days.
Eating habits are changing around here. I have found that there are different kinds of protein I can eat. I've really been enjoying seafood. For the most part it is easy to eat. I have also found that I need to chew better and eat slower. In the past few weeks I have on more than one occasion eaten too fast or not chewed good enough. Let me tell you, it hurts! Also by eating slower I feel satisfied without over-eating. Additionally, we aren't eating out as much. Not much of the fast foods sound very good, either. One thing I have found that I can get when we eat out is a grilled chicken breast from Chik-Fil-A. Did you know that if you order just the breast of chicken without the bun and stuff that it's only $2.80 vs. the $3.25 price for the sandwich? I kind of like that little "perk." Bad thing is that if you want to purchase a smaller portion (kid's meal) at most restaurants, all they offer are things I don't need to eat: grilled cheese, mac & cheese, pizza, etc. Guess I'll have to stick to grilled chicken and fish in doggie bags...but I'm not complaining!
Yesterday I saw the exercise physiologist. I had the "pleasure" of going through a test to measure my VO2 levels. I think what the test does is determines at what point my body stops burning fat and begins to burn muscle. Primarily it is designed to tell me what my optimal fat burning and fit zones are. I learned that the heart rate level I was working out at was helping me as far as fitness was concerned but not necessarily helping me burn more fat. ~Gonna have to dial it back a bit. She also set up a program to help me go back and forth between the fit and fat burning zones so I get the best of both worlds during my workout. I do have to tell you, as I neared the end of the test I thought I was going to fall off of the treadmill. She had it jacked up in the air and I was walking very fast...not quite a jog...and all I could think of was if I miss a step it's all going to be over and I'll slide down the treadmill embarrassing myself forever! Thankfully, I think the exercise physiologist was thinking the same thing and she slowed me down to end the test.
Other good news is that I did a little shopping last weekend. I've gone down from a size 26/28 pants to a size 20! Yee-Haw! I've also been busy cleaning my closets and chest of drawers out again. I have another large black trash bag full of clothes to give away. I need to take pictures of myself in my original clothes so I can see the change.
I've got a sick kiddo in the house today. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow. I'm dying to get out in the sun and enjoy the pool this weekend! Hope y'all are having a great weekend.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Friday we found out that we will be transferring to Hot Springs, AR. Big Daddy is being transferred to Arkansas to take over an existing store. He has to report in a few weeks and I will relocate with the kids once school is out, we find a home and I find a job. ~Lots of changes in our near future and quite stressful for me. I'm worried about finding new doctors for me, the kids and Big Daddy. I am considering continuing to fly back and forth from Hot Springs to San Antonio to continue to see my doctor as I have already paid for a year's worth of follow-up visits after my surgery.
Good news is I'm down 5 more pounds or more.
Went to a friend's house last night for a birthday party. We had a wonderful time. Many of them had not seen me since around the time I started the weight loss journey. They were surprised at the changes I had made in the past 8 months. It was nice to see the expressions on their face when they saw me again. I also learned something last night. "Don't forget to chew, chew, chew!" I had a bit of a problem with a piece of brisket and didn't get it chewed well enough before I swallowed it. Boy, did it hurt! That will be an experience I don't ever want to forget!
Good news is I'm down 5 more pounds or more.
Went to a friend's house last night for a birthday party. We had a wonderful time. Many of them had not seen me since around the time I started the weight loss journey. They were surprised at the changes I had made in the past 8 months. It was nice to see the expressions on their face when they saw me again. I also learned something last night. "Don't forget to chew, chew, chew!" I had a bit of a problem with a piece of brisket and didn't get it chewed well enough before I swallowed it. Boy, did it hurt! That will be an experience I don't ever want to forget!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Ups and Downs
Wow, I knew it had been awhile since I had blogged last, but didn't realize it had been this long. We have had a very bumpy past two weeks. My husband and I both lost our grandmothers within two days of each other. I won't bore you with the stress we've been through, however, just know things have been really crazy. Also during this time, I seemed to have hit a plateau. I wasn't really eating anything I wasn't supposed to, nor was I over eating...and I was still exercising. However, for some reason the scale just wouldn't take that last jump to leave the 300's behind. I asked a friend from another board about my stall and she told me to hang in there, that stress can also help you stall out.
Well, the good news is that not only am I still exercising on the elliptical machine everyday, I am finally below 300 pounds! Now, to map out how much weight I've actually lost this far, let's take a look at where I've come from:
Weight at my first appointment with the surgeon: 342
Presurgical appointment weight: 327
Post surgical weight (full of fluids): 335
Current weight: 295
Just so I can really see it, that means I've lost 47 pounds since I started the journey, or 32 pounds from presurgical weight, or 40 pounds since my release from the hospital! Yea ME!
I also want to add a new picture to the blog tonight. This was taken this past weekend while we were out of town...Me, finally out of the 300's!

I think it will be interesting as I continue to lose weight to look back on this picture and think "...and I thought that was a good picture of me...look at me now!" Hang in there pardners! We're in for a long ride. See ya in two shakes of a lamb's tail. ~Boss Lady
Well, the good news is that not only am I still exercising on the elliptical machine everyday, I am finally below 300 pounds! Now, to map out how much weight I've actually lost this far, let's take a look at where I've come from:
Weight at my first appointment with the surgeon: 342
Presurgical appointment weight: 327
Post surgical weight (full of fluids): 335
Current weight: 295
Just so I can really see it, that means I've lost 47 pounds since I started the journey, or 32 pounds from presurgical weight, or 40 pounds since my release from the hospital! Yea ME!
I also want to add a new picture to the blog tonight. This was taken this past weekend while we were out of town...Me, finally out of the 300's!
I think it will be interesting as I continue to lose weight to look back on this picture and think "...and I thought that was a good picture of me...look at me now!" Hang in there pardners! We're in for a long ride. See ya in two shakes of a lamb's tail. ~Boss Lady
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Dr. Appointments, Errands, and Exercise
Monday started out as a really great day. My sister stayed with me and helped me get to my Dr. appointments. I started out on the elliptical machine. I was able to go 15 minutes! Our first stop was to my surgeon's office to check my incisions. All are OK and off we go to find a plus-sized resale shop. Found it, but it's closed. Guess what's next door, a Great Harvest Bread Company. My sister decides she needs to go in there and get some bread. I decided to go to and buy something for the kids. Boy, did that take resolve!!! We ended up at Pappadeaux for lunch. Lunch consisted of a part of a cup of lobster bisque. One word for that: YUM! After the quick lunch we headed to the Hematologist's office. My iron is still low but better than before I had my surgery. I had to have another iron infusion. The nurse who tried to do my IV missed the vein the first time. She had to look for another vein and still didn't do a great job. Boy, that infusion hurt. I have a huge bruise the size of an old silver dollar to show for it. Gonna have to ask for a different nurse next time. That lady wasn't very good at sticks!
Tuesday started out as a fair day. The weather was yucky and I was feeling a little nauseated. I still hopped on the elliptical. Twenty minutes on the elliptical today! I felt a little better when I was done. Our only real stop today was going to be going to the salon. The roots were getting a little long and I needed to feel like a new woman. We needed to go see Big Daddy at the store so we stopped real quick at Lowe's and picked up some stuff. The next stop was to the bookstore for some books and then the salon. Mom enjoyed her chicken salad sandwich while I experienced a transformation. The last stop for the day was at World Market. We decided to pick up my younger child and head home. Forgetting that I needed to sign paperwork for the taxes, I received a call from Big Daddy to meet him at the tax preparer's office. By this time I'm so tired I could cry. However, it still had to be done. Over an hour later I'm finally on my way home. Needless to say, it was an early evening.
Today was the first day I could roll over in the bed with very minimal pain. I had managed to sleep all night and felt pretty good this morning! The scale this morning read 305! Guess I'm doing something right! Back on the elliptical. Today I decided to up the ante...25 minutes! I breezed right through it! Our only plan for today was to go to lunch with my sister downtown. We met her near her building and walked to Landry's. It was a nice walk...and more exercise! Today was a beautiful day. We dined on the Riverwalk and watched the tourists go by. Because my mom has never experienced the madness that surrounds "Fiesta" in San Antonio, I decided we needed to make a stop at the Official Fiesta store. For those who are unfamiliar with Fiesta it is similar to Mardi Gras but is more family friendly. We purchased a few items and I then directed her to my favorite place to get a pinata and some tissue paper flowers to update my Fiesta wreath. It was a great outing today. I needed a nap when we got home. Thankfully I was able to catch a short but energizing nap.
Tomorrow my mom will return home. "Nanny McPhee" has decided her work here is done. Big Daddy is off from work tomorrow he has the privilege of driving the Boss Lady to her first post-op appointment with the surgeon. He says the only other errand we have to run tomorrow is to pick up some hunting gear for him. I'm anxiously awaiting the release from the doc so I can start driving my new car again. I am also ready to go back to work on Friday. It should be a relatively slow day in the office and will allow me the opportunity to catch up on my paperwork.
Guess I need to turn in for the evening. Hope y'all are having a great day! See ya on the flip side--The Boss Lady.
Tuesday started out as a fair day. The weather was yucky and I was feeling a little nauseated. I still hopped on the elliptical. Twenty minutes on the elliptical today! I felt a little better when I was done. Our only real stop today was going to be going to the salon. The roots were getting a little long and I needed to feel like a new woman. We needed to go see Big Daddy at the store so we stopped real quick at Lowe's and picked up some stuff. The next stop was to the bookstore for some books and then the salon. Mom enjoyed her chicken salad sandwich while I experienced a transformation. The last stop for the day was at World Market. We decided to pick up my younger child and head home. Forgetting that I needed to sign paperwork for the taxes, I received a call from Big Daddy to meet him at the tax preparer's office. By this time I'm so tired I could cry. However, it still had to be done. Over an hour later I'm finally on my way home. Needless to say, it was an early evening.
Today was the first day I could roll over in the bed with very minimal pain. I had managed to sleep all night and felt pretty good this morning! The scale this morning read 305! Guess I'm doing something right! Back on the elliptical. Today I decided to up the ante...25 minutes! I breezed right through it! Our only plan for today was to go to lunch with my sister downtown. We met her near her building and walked to Landry's. It was a nice walk...and more exercise! Today was a beautiful day. We dined on the Riverwalk and watched the tourists go by. Because my mom has never experienced the madness that surrounds "Fiesta" in San Antonio, I decided we needed to make a stop at the Official Fiesta store. For those who are unfamiliar with Fiesta it is similar to Mardi Gras but is more family friendly. We purchased a few items and I then directed her to my favorite place to get a pinata and some tissue paper flowers to update my Fiesta wreath. It was a great outing today. I needed a nap when we got home. Thankfully I was able to catch a short but energizing nap.
Tomorrow my mom will return home. "Nanny McPhee" has decided her work here is done. Big Daddy is off from work tomorrow he has the privilege of driving the Boss Lady to her first post-op appointment with the surgeon. He says the only other errand we have to run tomorrow is to pick up some hunting gear for him. I'm anxiously awaiting the release from the doc so I can start driving my new car again. I am also ready to go back to work on Friday. It should be a relatively slow day in the office and will allow me the opportunity to catch up on my paperwork.
Guess I need to turn in for the evening. Hope y'all are having a great day! See ya on the flip side--The Boss Lady.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The Skinny Since Post-Op
I'm feeling MUCH better. I've been up and around since right after my surgery...they had me up and walking 4 hrs after surgery. Yesterday was a better day than the day before...I finally got to eat something other than broth and jello. I had an egg...and I don't really like eggs that much, but at least it was something different. I took out my pain ball this morning...the Marcaine was almost out & I'm tired of carrying it around. The scale says I'm down to 313...that's 14 lbs since before I went into the hospital, 22 lbs after surgery (and all of the fluids) and 29 lbs since I began this journey! Guess I'm doing well. Also, I just seem to be moving better and I haven't even taken my lortab yet this morning! I got on the elliptical day before yesterday and walked for 3 minutes. Today I will walk on it for more than 5 minutes, in addition to the other walking I will do.
I just don't see the loss when I look in the mirror. Perhaps in another week!
I just don't see the loss when I look in the mirror. Perhaps in another week!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The Big Day!
I came home from the hospital yesterday. One thing I can say about the surgery is...thank God for the meds!
I arrived at the hospital on Monday around noon. We waited almost 20 minutes for someone to help us "go to the right area." While we were waiting I received a call from the surgical area wondering where we were. They proceeded to call to the area where I was and hurry the lady so we could go upstairs. I was in the room with an IV started by 12:45pm. Around 3pm they took me back to the operating room. The last thing I remember is telling everyone goodbye. My surgery lasted 2 1/2 hour longer than he expected it to last.

I awoke in recovery around 6:30pm. I asked why I had been down there so long and was told it was because they were waiting for my room. Eventually they moved me upstairs to a private room where I met my family again. My family said the surgery had taken longer than they had expected because my liver was fatty and it had made it difficult to do the surgery. The doctor had also told them that because I had lost the weight it still gave them enough room to maneuver and do the surgery laproscopically. Thankfully I came through the surgery without any difficulty.
Later that evening I was up and walking around the room...not a lot, just to the bathroom and back to the bed. I received some pain medication and oxygen to help make things easier and awoke feeling better around 2am. Up to the bathroom and back to bed for a few more hours until I was asked to get up around 4am. At 4am I was up and on the scale for my first weigh in. To my horror the scale read 335 lbs! What!?!? I know I didn't weigh that much when I came in here! The nurses told me, "Don't worry, everyone shows some sort of gain because of the IV fluids they get." Yeah, right! Well, I took it and decided that was the most I would ever weigh again. From now on it's all downhill. They told me I needed to pick a route...hall A,B, or C. I picked all three and began my first steps toward starting over.
I walked the halls several times that day. I enjoyed a breakfast of chicken broth, sugar free jello and a bottle of water. I also began sipping water every 15 minutes or so, lining up the little cups like shot glasses..filling them with imaginary tequila. Lunch brought the same meal but included beef broth this time instead of chicken broth. Dinner was the same course as breakfast. Yum. Actually, it wasn't that bad. More walking that evening and I was finally able to get my first shower. Oh, what a glorious feeling that was! Eventually I fell into the bed for a good night's sleep.

I woke a few times in the night to receive some more pain meds and help in replacing the oxygen. I woke up on my own around 4:30am and decided to go ahead and get up to walk. I began walking around the floor again. This time I was able to walk much easier and faster. I can tell now that I am making some progress.
Today is the day I will go home! Yippee! It is Wednesday and I have survived more than 24 hours with my RNY gastric bypass. I actually looked forward to stepping on the scales today. It showed a minimal loss but that's OK. The doctor stopped by around 6:30am and said I could leave just as soon as he could get some papers faxed over to the hospital.
Because no one stayed with me at the hospital that night, I called my mom and husband to see who could pick me up. The hospital staff estimated I'd be leaving around 9am. We sat there until 11am before we were allowed to leave the hospital. Finally, home-bound at last!
I arrived at the hospital on Monday around noon. We waited almost 20 minutes for someone to help us "go to the right area." While we were waiting I received a call from the surgical area wondering where we were. They proceeded to call to the area where I was and hurry the lady so we could go upstairs. I was in the room with an IV started by 12:45pm. Around 3pm they took me back to the operating room. The last thing I remember is telling everyone goodbye. My surgery lasted 2 1/2 hour longer than he expected it to last.

I awoke in recovery around 6:30pm. I asked why I had been down there so long and was told it was because they were waiting for my room. Eventually they moved me upstairs to a private room where I met my family again. My family said the surgery had taken longer than they had expected because my liver was fatty and it had made it difficult to do the surgery. The doctor had also told them that because I had lost the weight it still gave them enough room to maneuver and do the surgery laproscopically. Thankfully I came through the surgery without any difficulty.
Later that evening I was up and walking around the room...not a lot, just to the bathroom and back to the bed. I received some pain medication and oxygen to help make things easier and awoke feeling better around 2am. Up to the bathroom and back to bed for a few more hours until I was asked to get up around 4am. At 4am I was up and on the scale for my first weigh in. To my horror the scale read 335 lbs! What!?!? I know I didn't weigh that much when I came in here! The nurses told me, "Don't worry, everyone shows some sort of gain because of the IV fluids they get." Yeah, right! Well, I took it and decided that was the most I would ever weigh again. From now on it's all downhill. They told me I needed to pick a route...hall A,B, or C. I picked all three and began my first steps toward starting over.
I walked the halls several times that day. I enjoyed a breakfast of chicken broth, sugar free jello and a bottle of water. I also began sipping water every 15 minutes or so, lining up the little cups like shot glasses..filling them with imaginary tequila. Lunch brought the same meal but included beef broth this time instead of chicken broth. Dinner was the same course as breakfast. Yum. Actually, it wasn't that bad. More walking that evening and I was finally able to get my first shower. Oh, what a glorious feeling that was! Eventually I fell into the bed for a good night's sleep.

I woke a few times in the night to receive some more pain meds and help in replacing the oxygen. I woke up on my own around 4:30am and decided to go ahead and get up to walk. I began walking around the floor again. This time I was able to walk much easier and faster. I can tell now that I am making some progress.
Today is the day I will go home! Yippee! It is Wednesday and I have survived more than 24 hours with my RNY gastric bypass. I actually looked forward to stepping on the scales today. It showed a minimal loss but that's OK. The doctor stopped by around 6:30am and said I could leave just as soon as he could get some papers faxed over to the hospital.
Because no one stayed with me at the hospital that night, I called my mom and husband to see who could pick me up. The hospital staff estimated I'd be leaving around 9am. We sat there until 11am before we were allowed to leave the hospital. Finally, home-bound at last!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Come Monday...It Will Be All Right
In less than 24 hours from now I will eat my last oversized meal. Well, maybe not. I feel like I have eaten many "last meals" over the course of the last few days. I don't think I've done very well in controlling my portions like I should, either. I *can* say, however, that I am getting tired of food. I don't know that I've ever admitted that before. Nothing really sounds good to me...even ice cream. Now that's a shocking statement! I am *so* ready to begin my new life and new relationship with food and exercise.
Now, let me back up a little bit and fill you in on the pre-op appointment and lab work.
Tuesday was a *very* busy day. Although I only live 35 minutes from the hospital where I will have my laproscopic RNY surgery, it took me more than an hour to get there for my labwork. This hospital has recently completed renovations and added a new wing. They have moved the Labor & Delivery department to the new wing. This has left large private rooms available for recovering gastric bypass patients. After I completed my blood work and other labs I had the chance to tour a room. These rooms are very nice! I am equally excited that I will have a private room and not be subjected to an additional fee from the insurance as private rooms are all that are offered at this particular hospital for gastric surgery.
A word about the staff I encountered at the hospital. Gloria, the preadmission tech was fantastic! She went out of her way to help me feel welcome and comfortable with the procedures for the day. Next, I met George, the vampire. He was very nice and had a great personality. George teased with me as he took the many vials of blood necessary to complete my labs. Next I met with Patty who very gently explained the processes which would occur come Monday. Brenda, the respiratory therapist was the sweetest lady. She was the lightest touch when inserting the needle in to draw blood gasses. I've always heard this was a very painful process (not in this experience). Brenda talked to me the entire time and told me that she had been an RT at the hospital since it opened. My last lab of the day was a chest x-ray. Unfortunately for me, the hospital is changing to a new paperless system and they had difficulty with the equipment. This change caused me to endure 4 or more x-rays in the attempt to have one scan correctly into the computer.
My next stop was later in the afternoon. It was my final visit with Dr. Duperier before my surgery. Because Patty had asked for the labs to be completed quickly, Dr. D had all of the results when I arrived. He said everything looked great except for my anemia. He said my iron was low and he felt I needed an iron infusion. I'm not really sure what that means but I understand that I should feel *much* better after the infusion. I decided to be generous and not throw the surgery scheduler under the bus at this juncture. I'll have time for that later, when I am less emotional about the whole situation I have been through with her. Right now, I just need to worry about me.
As the old Jimmy Buffett song goes, "Come Monday, it'll be all right..." I'm looking forward to Monday and the many changes and challenges I am about to face.
Now, let me back up a little bit and fill you in on the pre-op appointment and lab work.
Tuesday was a *very* busy day. Although I only live 35 minutes from the hospital where I will have my laproscopic RNY surgery, it took me more than an hour to get there for my labwork. This hospital has recently completed renovations and added a new wing. They have moved the Labor & Delivery department to the new wing. This has left large private rooms available for recovering gastric bypass patients. After I completed my blood work and other labs I had the chance to tour a room. These rooms are very nice! I am equally excited that I will have a private room and not be subjected to an additional fee from the insurance as private rooms are all that are offered at this particular hospital for gastric surgery.
A word about the staff I encountered at the hospital. Gloria, the preadmission tech was fantastic! She went out of her way to help me feel welcome and comfortable with the procedures for the day. Next, I met George, the vampire. He was very nice and had a great personality. George teased with me as he took the many vials of blood necessary to complete my labs. Next I met with Patty who very gently explained the processes which would occur come Monday. Brenda, the respiratory therapist was the sweetest lady. She was the lightest touch when inserting the needle in to draw blood gasses. I've always heard this was a very painful process (not in this experience). Brenda talked to me the entire time and told me that she had been an RT at the hospital since it opened. My last lab of the day was a chest x-ray. Unfortunately for me, the hospital is changing to a new paperless system and they had difficulty with the equipment. This change caused me to endure 4 or more x-rays in the attempt to have one scan correctly into the computer.
My next stop was later in the afternoon. It was my final visit with Dr. Duperier before my surgery. Because Patty had asked for the labs to be completed quickly, Dr. D had all of the results when I arrived. He said everything looked great except for my anemia. He said my iron was low and he felt I needed an iron infusion. I'm not really sure what that means but I understand that I should feel *much* better after the infusion. I decided to be generous and not throw the surgery scheduler under the bus at this juncture. I'll have time for that later, when I am less emotional about the whole situation I have been through with her. Right now, I just need to worry about me.
As the old Jimmy Buffett song goes, "Come Monday, it'll be all right..." I'm looking forward to Monday and the many changes and challenges I am about to face.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
At Last...
Well, yesterday was one for the books. I began the day by calling my patient advocate to relate the most recent occurrence with the surgery scheduler (see previous post). Shortly after leaving a message she returned my call and had followed up with the insurance department, trying to make sure they all had all over the same information. As the day wore on my patient advocate, the surgery scheduler, the insurance department, and my insurance company all had a big pow-wow to discover what exactly they were missing in order to finalize my surgery. The common denominator was, guess what, was that same letter that I had emailed to my patient advocate and also emailed twice to the surgery scheduler and was told it was the wrong letter.
Around lunch time I was called by the surgery scheduler and informed if the insurance company was unable to produce the letter by the end of the day then my surgery would be rescheduled. I was devastate and angry. NO matter how many times I have said, "The letter I emailed y'all last week is EXACTLY what you are needing, she still refused to listen to me. Having no other recourse than to try to find someone else to help me, I called in a healthcare advocate.
Healthcare Advocates are an additional benefit provided by my husband's employer. They are the mediators between insurance companies, their providers and patients. The lady who helped me was able to get all parties to listen and agree to hold off until tomorrow about the "no surgery" timeline. She questioned each one of them about the receipt of the email that I had stated I had sent to them. Each one claimed they never received the email (even though the surgery scheduler stated it was still the wrong letter). I asked for additional email addresses and emailed the letter to them again. After my scheduled visit with a family I returned to the office to fax and then hand deliver a copy of the letter that I had emailed. As I was faxing the letter to the surgery scheduler, she called to say that they had received the letter and she was faxing me paperwork to complete before my pre-op appointment and pre-admission appointments scheduled for....tomorrow (today)!
I will hang in there and not let them get the best of me. I will hang in there...I will hang in there!!!!!
Around lunch time I was called by the surgery scheduler and informed if the insurance company was unable to produce the letter by the end of the day then my surgery would be rescheduled. I was devastate and angry. NO matter how many times I have said, "The letter I emailed y'all last week is EXACTLY what you are needing, she still refused to listen to me. Having no other recourse than to try to find someone else to help me, I called in a healthcare advocate.
Healthcare Advocates are an additional benefit provided by my husband's employer. They are the mediators between insurance companies, their providers and patients. The lady who helped me was able to get all parties to listen and agree to hold off until tomorrow about the "no surgery" timeline. She questioned each one of them about the receipt of the email that I had stated I had sent to them. Each one claimed they never received the email (even though the surgery scheduler stated it was still the wrong letter). I asked for additional email addresses and emailed the letter to them again. After my scheduled visit with a family I returned to the office to fax and then hand deliver a copy of the letter that I had emailed. As I was faxing the letter to the surgery scheduler, she called to say that they had received the letter and she was faxing me paperwork to complete before my pre-op appointment and pre-admission appointments scheduled for....tomorrow (today)!
I will hang in there and not let them get the best of me. I will hang in there...I will hang in there!!!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Oops, They Did it Again (a rant)!
After trying for the past two days to get the surgery scheduler to call me back regarding the letter I received in the mail from the insurance, it finally happened. I received a call from her at 4:50pm on Friday. She leaves me a message stating, "I'm calling you back. The letter you received is not adequate for the surgeon to complete the surgery. I am leaving in 10 minutes so call me back as soon as possible." AGH!!! I'm infuriated. Did she wait all day just to call me back? Luckily I heard the voicemail and was able to respond in a "timely" manner. She asked for me to fax the letter to her that I had received. I told her I had been waiting all day for her to call me and I no longer had access to a fax machine. However, I *could* email her the scanned letter. When she received the email, she says it's still "no good." To top it all off, I held on the phone for her and was inadvertently disconnected. When I tried to call back in, the phones had been transferred and I was unable to reach her. She eventually called me back and the call went straight to voice mail. The message she left this time is summarized as, "Well, I guess I'll call you in the morning as I can't reach you anymore this afternoon. This letter won't work so I guess we'll just have to call the insurance company on Monday." Sadly, this next week is a short week for many as Friday is Good Friday and many people will be off from work. I'm not sure the doctor's office will be open, either, which really only gives me 2 1/2 -3 days to complete the pre-op appointment with the doctor and get my labs taken care of. I don't like that I'm not in control of this situation! I wish dealing with the insurance and doctor's office wasn't quite so stressful! Now, it's time for a "Rainwater family primal yell" to release all of this frustration......AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! Until next time...Boss Lady
Friday, March 30, 2007
To Infinity and BEYOND...(the back story)
Where do I start? I have been overweight most of my adult life. I am a member of the "Clean Plate Club" and have been since my early years. Fortunately for me when I was younger I had knobby knees, a slim figure and ran the streets of my South Dallas neighborhood...out all day and only returning home for dinner. Boy, those were the days! Well, what I didn't realize when I was younger was that the more I became a "Clean Plate Commando," the more I would struggle with food later on.
Now, let's fast-forward several years to the pre-teen era. I was always a large-boned child. My dad was 6 feet and 4 inches and I inherited my height from his side of the family. Most of the time I was the tallest person in my class. I wouldn't say I am taller than others now, but at the time my height bothered me. At a mere 5 feet and 7 inches I never really equated my weight with my height. I can remember one day when I was in the 5th grade of being weighed and finding out that I was 105 lbs. This was very shocking to me! My friends were always 75-85 pounds and considerable shorter than I.
As I entered junior high and gained the curves that go with the maturation process I still managed to hold my own but never felt fully comfortable in my skin. I wasn't the athlete that other girls were. I didn't really care for PE...much less about running around a track! My talents were in my musical ability. I played the Clarinet (not very well, but I played it). I was and still do have a good musical ear and can pick up a musical tune and then play it on the piano. Nevertheless, as I neared 8th grade I put on a few pounds.
As high school started I joined the marching band. If you know anything about Dallas and marching bands, you'll know where I went to school. We had/have one of the most decorated marching bands in the State. Our marching practice began on the first day of August. We marched every weekday for 4 hours in the hot Texas heat to retain and earn more titles. That was the summer that I was the slimmest I would ever be. Not only did I march for 20 hrs a week, but I would then meet up with some friends on my bike and we'd ride all over town, once again, not returning until daybreak.
After high school I entered college and gained the "Freshman 15" and then some! It was at this time I discovered I had an eating problem. I worked hard in school and graduated in 3 1/2 yrs. During my 2nd year in college I began my first true diet (not including diet pills/herbal supplements I had previously taken). I began drinking Medifast. I started the diet right before Thanksgiving. That was a very hard time to start but I was committed! By March I was down over 60 pounds to what will probably be my doctor's goal weight of 150 pounds. As I cut back on taking Medifast the weight came back. I had treated the symptoms, not the problems.
I fell in love while on that diet. After a little more than a year I graduated and married the man I loved, my college sweetheart. We struggled, as many do, during those first few years of marriage. We were very young and ignorant of everything around us. At least we had our love!
We soon decided that it was time to start a family. Because I was heavier than I had been in my life, due to what I now recognize as stress and boredom eating, we had a hard time getting pregnant. I tried for more than a year to have a baby, with no luck. Finally, I decided I needed to visit my ObGyn and ask for medicines to help kick start my fruit basket. I was devastated when he told me "No!" He told me I needed to get up off the couch and exercise. He talked to me about riding a bike and how that was the way he relieved stress. He told me if I would exercise for a few months and lose some weight, he'd give me Clomid to help things out. I got a bike right after that appointment and began to ride my bike. I started riding around the block one time, adding a block everyday until I was up to about 7-10 miles a day. About a month or two later I found I was having a difficult time making it around the block. I soon found out why!
Our first child was born later that year. She was premature and had some difficulty eating and gaining weight. However, I had no trouble with that. I was gaining weight with her. Around her one year birthday I went back in to talk to the one doctor who had always been honest with me. I asked for help with weight loss. He talked to me about Fen-Fen and how it was doing wonders helping his patients lose weight. He was right, it was great! I began exercising again. I joined the Y and did water aerobics everyday. I joined a class of senior women who were in better shape than I was! They challenged me and were the greatest bunch of women! We always had a good time.
Days passed and routines and job responsibilities changed. My dad died right before our daughter turned 2 after battling lung cancer for the past 12 months. My husband was working more hours trying to make it in to management in the store where he worked, therefore, home life was more stressful. We bought a house and I was promoted at my job and took on the extra stress that went with it. Before I knew it I was eating and gaining again. Also, Fen-Fen had been banned because of adverse health effects and I was sad. It had helped me tremendously!
More years passed and my weight continued to rise. Once again I decided I needed to lose weight and decided to do it on my own. Sure enough, I was doing well. I was exercising and eating smaller portions. I was attending a weight loss program called the Weigh Down Workshop. It was great to have all of the support during that time.
Soon we were surprised to learn that we were going to have another child. He was a complete surprise (and continues to be to this day)! Because our first child was premature I was placed on bedrest at 30 weeks and stayed there until he was born...on his due date.
Near the end of my pregnancy we found out that we were probably going to be transferred to San Antonio for my husband's job. This would mean a promotion for him and an opportunity for him to eventually manage his own store. We had to take this job. He gave them the ok for the move the day after our son was born. We moved to San Antonio less than two months later.
This has been a move we have never regretted. Don't get me wrong, it has been tough, especially at first. However, we love it here and have made many friends here. We are truly blessed!
Sure enough, I was out of the loop and had stopped exercising again and all of the weight came back. I just didn't seem to have the willpower and determination I used to have. I was in a new place with a new baby and a new job and enrolling my older child in a new school while my husband started his new job.
Now let's fast forward to this past summer and get down to the nitty gritty on why I decided to have WLS. Before our most recent trip to Mexico I sprained my ankle. I received physical therapy and was recuperating nicely. At the urging of my PT, I wore my brace on the airplane. As I stepped from the Jetway to the plane (it was uneven), I jarred my hip while trying to protect my ankle. I didn't realize at the time how seriously I was injured. However, by the end of the week long vacation I was making a doctor appointment. I was concerned that I had possibly dislocated my hip.
Upon our return I saw our doctor, He explained that I could have arthritis in my hip and that my weight wasn't helping (really?). After a series of tests, it was determined that I had injured my hip flexor. Guess what that meant, more PT! It's a good thing that I liked them!
After a few weeks of PT a I had a follow up visit with the doctor who once again mentioned my weight as a contributing issue. In all my frustration I asked, "Just what does it take to get a referral for the gastric bypass or lap band around here?" He laughed and said, "All you have to do is ask." He gave me a referral for New Dimensions/WeightWise that day. It took me a week or two to get up the nerve to make that first phone call. I have never looked back. In the wise words of Buzz Lightyear, "To infinity and BEYOND!!!!"
Now, let's fast-forward several years to the pre-teen era. I was always a large-boned child. My dad was 6 feet and 4 inches and I inherited my height from his side of the family. Most of the time I was the tallest person in my class. I wouldn't say I am taller than others now, but at the time my height bothered me. At a mere 5 feet and 7 inches I never really equated my weight with my height. I can remember one day when I was in the 5th grade of being weighed and finding out that I was 105 lbs. This was very shocking to me! My friends were always 75-85 pounds and considerable shorter than I.
As I entered junior high and gained the curves that go with the maturation process I still managed to hold my own but never felt fully comfortable in my skin. I wasn't the athlete that other girls were. I didn't really care for PE...much less about running around a track! My talents were in my musical ability. I played the Clarinet (not very well, but I played it). I was and still do have a good musical ear and can pick up a musical tune and then play it on the piano. Nevertheless, as I neared 8th grade I put on a few pounds.
As high school started I joined the marching band. If you know anything about Dallas and marching bands, you'll know where I went to school. We had/have one of the most decorated marching bands in the State. Our marching practice began on the first day of August. We marched every weekday for 4 hours in the hot Texas heat to retain and earn more titles. That was the summer that I was the slimmest I would ever be. Not only did I march for 20 hrs a week, but I would then meet up with some friends on my bike and we'd ride all over town, once again, not returning until daybreak.
After high school I entered college and gained the "Freshman 15" and then some! It was at this time I discovered I had an eating problem. I worked hard in school and graduated in 3 1/2 yrs. During my 2nd year in college I began my first true diet (not including diet pills/herbal supplements I had previously taken). I began drinking Medifast. I started the diet right before Thanksgiving. That was a very hard time to start but I was committed! By March I was down over 60 pounds to what will probably be my doctor's goal weight of 150 pounds. As I cut back on taking Medifast the weight came back. I had treated the symptoms, not the problems.
I fell in love while on that diet. After a little more than a year I graduated and married the man I loved, my college sweetheart. We struggled, as many do, during those first few years of marriage. We were very young and ignorant of everything around us. At least we had our love!
We soon decided that it was time to start a family. Because I was heavier than I had been in my life, due to what I now recognize as stress and boredom eating, we had a hard time getting pregnant. I tried for more than a year to have a baby, with no luck. Finally, I decided I needed to visit my ObGyn and ask for medicines to help kick start my fruit basket. I was devastated when he told me "No!" He told me I needed to get up off the couch and exercise. He talked to me about riding a bike and how that was the way he relieved stress. He told me if I would exercise for a few months and lose some weight, he'd give me Clomid to help things out. I got a bike right after that appointment and began to ride my bike. I started riding around the block one time, adding a block everyday until I was up to about 7-10 miles a day. About a month or two later I found I was having a difficult time making it around the block. I soon found out why!
Our first child was born later that year. She was premature and had some difficulty eating and gaining weight. However, I had no trouble with that. I was gaining weight with her. Around her one year birthday I went back in to talk to the one doctor who had always been honest with me. I asked for help with weight loss. He talked to me about Fen-Fen and how it was doing wonders helping his patients lose weight. He was right, it was great! I began exercising again. I joined the Y and did water aerobics everyday. I joined a class of senior women who were in better shape than I was! They challenged me and were the greatest bunch of women! We always had a good time.
Days passed and routines and job responsibilities changed. My dad died right before our daughter turned 2 after battling lung cancer for the past 12 months. My husband was working more hours trying to make it in to management in the store where he worked, therefore, home life was more stressful. We bought a house and I was promoted at my job and took on the extra stress that went with it. Before I knew it I was eating and gaining again. Also, Fen-Fen had been banned because of adverse health effects and I was sad. It had helped me tremendously!
More years passed and my weight continued to rise. Once again I decided I needed to lose weight and decided to do it on my own. Sure enough, I was doing well. I was exercising and eating smaller portions. I was attending a weight loss program called the Weigh Down Workshop. It was great to have all of the support during that time.
Soon we were surprised to learn that we were going to have another child. He was a complete surprise (and continues to be to this day)! Because our first child was premature I was placed on bedrest at 30 weeks and stayed there until he was born...on his due date.
Near the end of my pregnancy we found out that we were probably going to be transferred to San Antonio for my husband's job. This would mean a promotion for him and an opportunity for him to eventually manage his own store. We had to take this job. He gave them the ok for the move the day after our son was born. We moved to San Antonio less than two months later.
This has been a move we have never regretted. Don't get me wrong, it has been tough, especially at first. However, we love it here and have made many friends here. We are truly blessed!
Sure enough, I was out of the loop and had stopped exercising again and all of the weight came back. I just didn't seem to have the willpower and determination I used to have. I was in a new place with a new baby and a new job and enrolling my older child in a new school while my husband started his new job.
Now let's fast forward to this past summer and get down to the nitty gritty on why I decided to have WLS. Before our most recent trip to Mexico I sprained my ankle. I received physical therapy and was recuperating nicely. At the urging of my PT, I wore my brace on the airplane. As I stepped from the Jetway to the plane (it was uneven), I jarred my hip while trying to protect my ankle. I didn't realize at the time how seriously I was injured. However, by the end of the week long vacation I was making a doctor appointment. I was concerned that I had possibly dislocated my hip.
Upon our return I saw our doctor, He explained that I could have arthritis in my hip and that my weight wasn't helping (really?). After a series of tests, it was determined that I had injured my hip flexor. Guess what that meant, more PT! It's a good thing that I liked them!
After a few weeks of PT a I had a follow up visit with the doctor who once again mentioned my weight as a contributing issue. In all my frustration I asked, "Just what does it take to get a referral for the gastric bypass or lap band around here?" He laughed and said, "All you have to do is ask." He gave me a referral for New Dimensions/WeightWise that day. It took me a week or two to get up the nerve to make that first phone call. I have never looked back. In the wise words of Buzz Lightyear, "To infinity and BEYOND!!!!"
I got it, I got it....
Well, guess what arrive by pony express today? Yep, it was the letter we've all been waiting for! I called both the surgery scheduler and my patient advocate, neither of whom could I reach, to tell them I had it in hand. Guess it will have to wait until tomorrow (later this morning).
In my next post I want to back up a bit and give you the details that led to my decision to have weightloss surgery. Hopefully this will explain why I feel I need to do this for myself...why I need this tool.
In my next post I want to back up a bit and give you the details that led to my decision to have weightloss surgery. Hopefully this will explain why I feel I need to do this for myself...why I need this tool.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
A Battle of Wills
It's a dreary day here on the ranch. I was drawn into battle yesterday with the insurance company. It has been more than a week since I and the insurance staff at my doctor's office were given the preauthorization and verbal precertification for the surgery. Unfortunately, they still don't have a letter for me to submit to my doctor so that my pre-op appointment and lab work can occur. This might end up being a long fight in which I really have no control. I'm starting to get worried that they (doctor's office) will cancel my surgery or postpone it.
Let me share the positions of the two teams that I am in between:
Surgery Scheduler for my Dr.'s office: "I'm sorry that we can't schedule you for any other appointments until we receive the letter in our hands that has the doctor's name, surgical code, authorization for surgery and precertification for surgery and the number of days you are authorized for the hospital stay. I know someone from our office spoke to the insurance company and we have verbal approval , but our doctors will NOT let us proceed without the letter in our hands. Can you please call the insurance company and see if you can get it? Please ask them to fax it to me."
Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO of Alabama: "Here in the Health Management Division we precertify you for your hospitalization and surgery. Our computers generate our letters to our customers and their providers. We have no control over when those letters leave our building. It is all up to the computer and the mail clerks. No, we cannot make a copy of the letter that you are waiting for in the mail and fax it to you. There are literally thousands of letters we produce each day..."
Now, here's my position: "I'm tired of jumping through these hoops for both of y'all! To the doctor's office: You know I've been approved and have it documented in my chart from multiple people in the office. And you, insurance company, Do you mean to tell me that you couldn't put your finger on a piece of correspondence between your company, a provider and your customer? Now, let's take a step back and look to see who we're working it the patient? I'm not sure..."
Hopefully this will all be over with very soon! I know it's just a pothole in the road.
Let me share the positions of the two teams that I am in between:
Surgery Scheduler for my Dr.'s office: "I'm sorry that we can't schedule you for any other appointments until we receive the letter in our hands that has the doctor's name, surgical code, authorization for surgery and precertification for surgery and the number of days you are authorized for the hospital stay. I know someone from our office spoke to the insurance company and we have verbal approval , but our doctors will NOT let us proceed without the letter in our hands. Can you please call the insurance company and see if you can get it? Please ask them to fax it to me."
Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO of Alabama: "Here in the Health Management Division we precertify you for your hospitalization and surgery. Our computers generate our letters to our customers and their providers. We have no control over when those letters leave our building. It is all up to the computer and the mail clerks. No, we cannot make a copy of the letter that you are waiting for in the mail and fax it to you. There are literally thousands of letters we produce each day..."
Now, here's my position: "I'm tired of jumping through these hoops for both of y'all! To the doctor's office: You know I've been approved and have it documented in my chart from multiple people in the office. And you, insurance company, Do you mean to tell me that you couldn't put your finger on a piece of correspondence between your company, a provider and your customer? Now, let's take a step back and look to see who we're working it the patient? I'm not sure..."
Hopefully this will all be over with very soon! I know it's just a pothole in the road.
Monday, March 26, 2007
A Bump in the Road...
Well, insurance paperwork is surely a pain! Although I have been given a date for surgery, I continue to have problems with the doctor's "surgery scheduler" getting the "correct" information from the insurance company. I received a faxed copy of the letter that states I am eligible for surgery. However, they are requiring a letter from the insurance that states I am covered for the surgery at the hospital where the surgery will occur (a preauthorization and a confirmation number). In the past week I have called BC/BS AL PPO no less than 10 times trying to get a copy of this letter for the doctor's office. Additionally, I have also called my patient advocate and the surgery scheduler as many times trying to get to the bottom of this. Today I was told by the insurance company that the letters have been mailed which have all of the requested info in them. I requested, for the third time that the insurance company fax the preauthorization letter for both the surgery and hospital. I checked the office fax machine today before leaving the office and found once again, that there was no fax from the insurance waiting for me. I put on my "Boss Lady" voice and called the insurance company. After explaining the situation to the second person I have talked to with BC/BS AL today, I asked for a supervisor. Remember the post about the squeaky wheel getting the grease? Well, it must have paid off because she "found" a request for all of the documentation and reports it is scheduled to be faxed tomorrow morning. We'll see...
I really just think this is another game to be played between the insurance company and the doctor's office and I'm the pawn. Well, the Boss Lady has had enough! Next stop, Dr. D! Rant over!
Believe it or not, I am looking forward to the surgery! I have been looking for a gown to wear. I'm not sure if I need to wear a new gown in the hospital...but the thought of those ugly hospital gowns is not very appealing! Why can't they make really cool looking gowns with bright colors? Maybe I need to market that idea. Maybe I shouldn't have posted that online!?!? ;o) I have found some really cute pajamas but have heard that it is really better not to plan to wear pj's as they can bind the abdomen following surgery and may not be as functional as they should be. Therefore, I am stuck looking at gowns with flowers on them instead of cute palm trees, monkeys, or something bright and colorful. There's still hope! I've still got a few places to look!
I really just think this is another game to be played between the insurance company and the doctor's office and I'm the pawn. Well, the Boss Lady has had enough! Next stop, Dr. D! Rant over!
Believe it or not, I am looking forward to the surgery! I have been looking for a gown to wear. I'm not sure if I need to wear a new gown in the hospital...but the thought of those ugly hospital gowns is not very appealing! Why can't they make really cool looking gowns with bright colors? Maybe I need to market that idea. Maybe I shouldn't have posted that online!?!? ;o) I have found some really cute pajamas but have heard that it is really better not to plan to wear pj's as they can bind the abdomen following surgery and may not be as functional as they should be. Therefore, I am stuck looking at gowns with flowers on them instead of cute palm trees, monkeys, or something bright and colorful. There's still hope! I've still got a few places to look!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Oil, That is...Black Gold, Texas "T"
As I was leaving town on Friday night I received a call from the surgeon's office that they were ready to schedule my surgery. I can't believe it! Can it really be happening? She said the earliest available surgery date is April 9th. Yes, Easter Monday. However, the kicker is that it will not be at the hospital where I was initially told it will be. I will have the surgery at a hospital about 25 minutes from the house. I could wait and have it a different hospital but at this point I want to get the surgery over with. I have plans this summer!
On Saturday the surgeon's office called again. A bad mobile phone connection in the black hole around my mom's house meant she had to leave a message on our home phone. Although the next message was equally as cryptic, there was something stated about needing an "approval letter" for the hospital where they have scheduled the surgery. Hopefully this will not be a roadblock to the surgery...maybe it's just a minute detour as I'm pretty sure that the hospital is in our insurance network.
Today is my birthday and I guess you could say that I've gotten everything I've ever wanted...bypass included! I am so thankful for all of my friends who are supporting me at this time. Most importantly, I'm thankful for my wonderful husband who replied, "You're already my trophy wife," today during a conversation about the future. I have definitely struck it rich!
On Saturday the surgeon's office called again. A bad mobile phone connection in the black hole around my mom's house meant she had to leave a message on our home phone. Although the next message was equally as cryptic, there was something stated about needing an "approval letter" for the hospital where they have scheduled the surgery. Hopefully this will not be a roadblock to the surgery...maybe it's just a minute detour as I'm pretty sure that the hospital is in our insurance network.
Today is my birthday and I guess you could say that I've gotten everything I've ever wanted...bypass included! I am so thankful for all of my friends who are supporting me at this time. Most importantly, I'm thankful for my wonderful husband who replied, "You're already my trophy wife," today during a conversation about the future. I have definitely struck it rich!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Oil Delivered...
Well, it looks like the squeaking might have paid off. I called the insurance this afternoon and found out that I meet the criteria and they are faxing the approval letter to me so I can begin the last few step before going under the knife. I'm so excited...but I'm a little nervous, too. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have a scheduled surgery date! Squeak, squeak!....
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Kids and the Slowly Shrinking BMI
Our kids are out of town this week and it has given me more time to think about not eating on a schedule. I came home from work to day and had the opportunity for a 45 minute nap. After that I had the "luxury" of cleaning all of the stuff out of my car so I can get a new one in a few days. This was not one of my favorite things to do (cleaning) but I did it anyway. While I was cleaning (without interruptions) I had the opportunity to reflect on the lack of time I have given toward thinking about food or eating in general. As I worked I realized I was not hungry, even though it had been nearly 8 hrs. since my last meal. I guess with the kids being gone I didn't feel the need to come home and begin a meal; nor did I feel the need to come home and feed myself just because I was home. Guess I'm changing *me* after all. I decided I needed a trip to the kitchen for a glass of water and a "checkin" with the scales.
Wow! I haven't been near the scales in a few days and I decided to weigh in tonight. Imagine my surprise when the scales read 318 pounds. I had to weigh two other times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke! I hit my program button on the scale to check my BMI and found out that I had gone under my BMI of 50+ to 49.8! Yea! This was one of my goals I wanted to accomplish before I had surgery.
Speaking of surgery, I called the insurance again today to check on my status with the request for surgery. I was told that the request had been received but there was still no answer and to try back in 14 days. Yeah, whatever! I'll try back in a couple of days. I guess you could say I'm on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday calling schedule with them until they give me the answer I want. Hopefully I'll have more decisive news on Wednesday!
Wow! I haven't been near the scales in a few days and I decided to weigh in tonight. Imagine my surprise when the scales read 318 pounds. I had to weigh two other times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke! I hit my program button on the scale to check my BMI and found out that I had gone under my BMI of 50+ to 49.8! Yea! This was one of my goals I wanted to accomplish before I had surgery.
Speaking of surgery, I called the insurance again today to check on my status with the request for surgery. I was told that the request had been received but there was still no answer and to try back in 14 days. Yeah, whatever! I'll try back in a couple of days. I guess you could say I'm on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday calling schedule with them until they give me the answer I want. Hopefully I'll have more decisive news on Wednesday!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
As the Wagon Wheel Squeaks...
I spoke to the insurance company today. They have the documents from the surgeon and are currently reviewing the possibility for me to receive the surgery. Fingers are crossed and I'm waiting rather impatiently for their decision!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Update on the surgery
I went to the doctor last week. I had lost 2 and a half pounds. I could have probably lost more but kind of lost myself in food while Big Daddy was in the hospital. As I finished with my appointment, I asked for copies of my records for my visits during the "medically supervised diet and weight loss program" that I have been completing with my PCP. I decided to take a chance and run them by the surgeon's office (to drop them off) to my patient advocate. Luckily, she was there.
As we reviewed my chart, Grace said she thinks I might have all of the work done that is needed to submit my claim! Wow! Can it be true? Am I that close to having the surgery? She explained the process that would happen next and gave me a sembalance of a timeline. I began calling the insurance the next see if they had "received" my file and if it was in "review.''
I have called the insurance agency over the past few days and they still do not have the claim. I called Grace yesterday, who is so extremely patient with my pushiness, and she reported that the insurance folks at the surgeon's office still had my file and were writing the letter of "Medical Necessity" to send in with my "Preauthorization." I called again this morning as Grace has advised that the "Squeaky wheel gets the grease..." and they still don't have the claim. I'm sure they'll have it tomorrow. Before I hung up with the claim processor I told her, "I guess I'll be talking to you tomorrow..." She just chuckled...guess she's been there before.
As we reviewed my chart, Grace said she thinks I might have all of the work done that is needed to submit my claim! Wow! Can it be true? Am I that close to having the surgery? She explained the process that would happen next and gave me a sembalance of a timeline. I began calling the insurance the next see if they had "received" my file and if it was in "review.''
I have called the insurance agency over the past few days and they still do not have the claim. I called Grace yesterday, who is so extremely patient with my pushiness, and she reported that the insurance folks at the surgeon's office still had my file and were writing the letter of "Medical Necessity" to send in with my "Preauthorization." I called again this morning as Grace has advised that the "Squeaky wheel gets the grease..." and they still don't have the claim. I'm sure they'll have it tomorrow. Before I hung up with the claim processor I told her, "I guess I'll be talking to you tomorrow..." She just chuckled...guess she's been there before.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Why do I want to blog?
I guess the biggest question of the day is "why (do I want to) blog the things I go through with my struggle with my weight?" I'm not really sure. I guess I am really looking for a way to record my feelings and what I learn along the way. Right now I'm struggling with making time for exercise. I have this wonderful elliptical trainer. It is new and I'm very proud of it. However, it kicks my butt evertime I get on it! How can a child of 6 run his legs off and I feel like a Mack truck has hit me after the first 8 minutes? ~Guess that's just one of the uphill battles I have ahead of me!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Deep in the Heart of Texas: History
I love to travel. This past summer I visited Playa Del Carmen, Mexico . While boarding the plane I hurt my hip. I was miserable throughout the trip, limping all over town with a messed up hip flexor. When we returned to the States I sought medical advice. After several x-rays and a CT scan it was determined that I would live...I'd just need lots of physical therapy. Of course, I also had the obligatory talk with my PCP about my need to lose weight (as my weight wasn't helping things). Frustrated, I asked, "What is it going to take for me to be able to receive weight loss surgery?" I left his office that day with a referral to a weight loss surgeon.
The following is an extremly LONG list of all of the appointments I've had so far:
1. Initial appt. with Dr. Duperier on July 19, 2006. Also met with Dietician and Psychologist.
2. Had an upper endoscopy in 2nd week of August 2006.
3. Met with my OB/GYN on Aug. 25, 2006 for annual physical.
4. Had a Sleep Study on Aug. 26, 2006
5. Follow up visit with dietician on August 31, 2006
6. Was notified by WeightWise insurance personnel that my dietician appts. through WeightWise were not going to be covered by my insurance...they had "overlooked" this when they first enrolled me in the program and scheduled my appointments.
7. On September 18, 2006 I met with my PCP as my insurance will not cover a bariatric surgeon for the "medically supervised diet and weight loss program." Weight was 336
8. Followed up the Sleep Study on Sept. 22, 2006 with a pulmonologist who referred me to Praxair for a CPAP because of Hypopnea episodes.
9. On Sept. 26, 2006 I met with a representative from Praxair and rented a CPAP machine. Almost 30 days later, requested that they exchange and replace the original CPAP (RemStar Autoset) with a different model...the one I was told I would receive (RemStar M Series Autoset with Cflex). Praxair lost my file and it took close to two weeks before they resolved my request. Since that time I have had virtually no contact with Praxair or follow up with them concerning the CPAP or my settings. Additionally, I have tried repeatedly to contact them regarding the fact that they have NEVER processed my CPAP rental/purchase with my insurance. I spoke to a lady in their main billing office on January 9, 2007 who reports she will contact the local Praxair office and follow up with me ASAP. I have not heard back from her.
10. Met with my PCP (2 of 7) on Oct. 18, 2006 for "medically supervised diet and weight loss program." Weight was 335
11. Met with my PCP (3 of 7) Nov. 27, 2006 on for "medically supervised diet and weight loss program." Weight was 333
12. Met with my PCP (4 of 7) Dec. 27, 2006 on for "medically supervised diet and weight loss program." Weight was 332
13. Contacted Praxair representative regarding broken mask part on January 7, 2007. Was informed that I should "...wait until tomorrow and make an appointment to come in to be fitted for a new mask" as he would not meet with me on Sunday to replace the mask.
14. Contacted Praxair on January 8, 2007 at 11am to request an appointment for "mask fitting" and was informed that the respiratory therapist was at lunch and would not be returning for the next few days. I was additionally informed that there were no other therapists in the office who could fulfill my need for a new mask as the current one was broken.
15. Contacted a respiratory therapist supervisor at American Home Patient on January 8, 2007 to discuss issues with other DME provider and need for a new mask or emergency mask repair. Also discussed possibility of transferring DME rental to American Home Patient from Praxair. Met with RT who repaired my mask for my CPAP. He advised me to continue to call Praxair regarding the billing (or lack thereof) for my CPAP as it could indirectly effect the results of the insurance determination on my bariatric surgery.
16. On January 9, 2007 I attended the StapleMates group. It was very interesting to hear the stories of the other patients.
17. Purchased a Keys Fitness G2 Elliptical machine from Fitness in Motion. They delivered it and showed us how to use it. It is COOL!
18. Met with my PCP (5 of 7), January 29, 2007 for "Medically supervised diet and weight loss program" My weight is now down to 330 1/2.
The following is an extremly LONG list of all of the appointments I've had so far:
1. Initial appt. with Dr. Duperier on July 19, 2006. Also met with Dietician and Psychologist.
2. Had an upper endoscopy in 2nd week of August 2006.
3. Met with my OB/GYN on Aug. 25, 2006 for annual physical.
4. Had a Sleep Study on Aug. 26, 2006
5. Follow up visit with dietician on August 31, 2006
6. Was notified by WeightWise insurance personnel that my dietician appts. through WeightWise were not going to be covered by my insurance...they had "overlooked" this when they first enrolled me in the program and scheduled my appointments.
7. On September 18, 2006 I met with my PCP as my insurance will not cover a bariatric surgeon for the "medically supervised diet and weight loss program." Weight was 336
8. Followed up the Sleep Study on Sept. 22, 2006 with a pulmonologist who referred me to Praxair for a CPAP because of Hypopnea episodes.
9. On Sept. 26, 2006 I met with a representative from Praxair and rented a CPAP machine. Almost 30 days later, requested that they exchange and replace the original CPAP (RemStar Autoset) with a different model...the one I was told I would receive (RemStar M Series Autoset with Cflex). Praxair lost my file and it took close to two weeks before they resolved my request. Since that time I have had virtually no contact with Praxair or follow up with them concerning the CPAP or my settings. Additionally, I have tried repeatedly to contact them regarding the fact that they have NEVER processed my CPAP rental/purchase with my insurance. I spoke to a lady in their main billing office on January 9, 2007 who reports she will contact the local Praxair office and follow up with me ASAP. I have not heard back from her.
10. Met with my PCP (2 of 7) on Oct. 18, 2006 for "medically supervised diet and weight loss program." Weight was 335
11. Met with my PCP (3 of 7) Nov. 27, 2006 on for "medically supervised diet and weight loss program." Weight was 333
12. Met with my PCP (4 of 7) Dec. 27, 2006 on for "medically supervised diet and weight loss program." Weight was 332
13. Contacted Praxair representative regarding broken mask part on January 7, 2007. Was informed that I should "...wait until tomorrow and make an appointment to come in to be fitted for a new mask" as he would not meet with me on Sunday to replace the mask.
14. Contacted Praxair on January 8, 2007 at 11am to request an appointment for "mask fitting" and was informed that the respiratory therapist was at lunch and would not be returning for the next few days. I was additionally informed that there were no other therapists in the office who could fulfill my need for a new mask as the current one was broken.
15. Contacted a respiratory therapist supervisor at American Home Patient on January 8, 2007 to discuss issues with other DME provider and need for a new mask or emergency mask repair. Also discussed possibility of transferring DME rental to American Home Patient from Praxair. Met with RT who repaired my mask for my CPAP. He advised me to continue to call Praxair regarding the billing (or lack thereof) for my CPAP as it could indirectly effect the results of the insurance determination on my bariatric surgery.
16. On January 9, 2007 I attended the StapleMates group. It was very interesting to hear the stories of the other patients.
17. Purchased a Keys Fitness G2 Elliptical machine from Fitness in Motion. They delivered it and showed us how to use it. It is COOL!
18. Met with my PCP (5 of 7), January 29, 2007 for "Medically supervised diet and weight loss program" My weight is now down to 330 1/2.
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