Sunday, May 6, 2007


Friday we found out that we will be transferring to Hot Springs, AR. Big Daddy is being transferred to Arkansas to take over an existing store. He has to report in a few weeks and I will relocate with the kids once school is out, we find a home and I find a job. ~Lots of changes in our near future and quite stressful for me. I'm worried about finding new doctors for me, the kids and Big Daddy. I am considering continuing to fly back and forth from Hot Springs to San Antonio to continue to see my doctor as I have already paid for a year's worth of follow-up visits after my surgery.

Good news is I'm down 5 more pounds or more.

Went to a friend's house last night for a birthday party. We had a wonderful time. Many of them had not seen me since around the time I started the weight loss journey. They were surprised at the changes I had made in the past 8 months. It was nice to see the expressions on their face when they saw me again. I also learned something last night. "Don't forget to chew, chew, chew!" I had a bit of a problem with a piece of brisket and didn't get it chewed well enough before I swallowed it. Boy, did it hurt! That will be an experience I don't ever want to forget!


Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh Christy.. You guys are moving to ArK. Whoa.
Hey, I saw your new picture and you are so beautiful.
I am feeling much better.

Anonymous said...

:( And we thought you guys were so far away already.... :(