Saturday, March 31, 2007

Oops, They Did it Again (a rant)!

After trying for the past two days to get the surgery scheduler to call me back regarding the letter I received in the mail from the insurance, it finally happened. I received a call from her at 4:50pm on Friday. She leaves me a message stating, "I'm calling you back. The letter you received is not adequate for the surgeon to complete the surgery. I am leaving in 10 minutes so call me back as soon as possible." AGH!!! I'm infuriated. Did she wait all day just to call me back? Luckily I heard the voicemail and was able to respond in a "timely" manner. She asked for me to fax the letter to her that I had received. I told her I had been waiting all day for her to call me and I no longer had access to a fax machine. However, I *could* email her the scanned letter. When she received the email, she says it's still "no good." To top it all off, I held on the phone for her and was inadvertently disconnected. When I tried to call back in, the phones had been transferred and I was unable to reach her. She eventually called me back and the call went straight to voice mail. The message she left this time is summarized as, "Well, I guess I'll call you in the morning as I can't reach you anymore this afternoon. This letter won't work so I guess we'll just have to call the insurance company on Monday." Sadly, this next week is a short week for many as Friday is Good Friday and many people will be off from work. I'm not sure the doctor's office will be open, either, which really only gives me 2 1/2 -3 days to complete the pre-op appointment with the doctor and get my labs taken care of. I don't like that I'm not in control of this situation! I wish dealing with the insurance and doctor's office wasn't quite so stressful! Now, it's time for a "Rainwater family primal yell" to release all of this frustration......AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! Until next time...Boss Lady

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